Friday, September 16, 2011


About a month and a half ago, Barrett and I ventured to the beautiful island of St. Lucia for our honeymoon.  We stayed at the Sandals Grande Resort on St. Lucia.  We spent Monday to Sunday there and had the best time.  I am so very thankful that we did not leave for our honeymoon until Monday after the wedding because we were absolutely exhausted on Sunday.  The pictures below describe the week a lot better than I could!

Marta ride to the airport
 Dinner the first night at Toscanini's
 The Pub

 Double fisting already?
 Barrett loves this picture of himself...

 Awkward single photos...
Dinner at the pub
 Chocolate night!!
 Patiently awaiting the chocolate...

 The next day we went on the Simon Says Speed Boat Tour, where some locals took us around the island to do some sight-seeing.

 Mick Jagger's house
 Oprah's house
 The Pitons


 We then got off the boat to go to the Mineral Springs...

...and then the Mud Bath.  The guide told us it was OK to rub all over each other because we were married...Barrett took this to heart.

 On the way to Simon's house for lunch...not sketchy at all...

Simon's wife cooked for all of was delicious!
 Dinner at Barefoot by the Sea

Street Party

They told us to wave our napkins in the I did

So there was this guy we spotted on the trip that was Ryan Kolb's doppleganger (How I Met Your Mother anyone?)  We spent the remainder of the trip trying to get documentation...he's in the back of the photo in the gray shirt...
Zip lining was a blast!

Love Swans?
The last two nights of our trip we decided to go check out the other resort (La Toc) and grab dinner there.

Barrett loved his coconut.
Dinner at the Japanese Steak House

The last day Barrett went hiking, and I sat on the beach and read...I'm such a good wife.

Dinner the last night at La Toc

Last day...sad we had to leave...
...but happy we had such a good time
CLUTCH.  Ryan came and sat by us while we were waiting on the van to come get us.  I could not resist.  Barrett acted like he was posing and I zoomed in on my camera...we aren't creepy, I swear!

Goodbye St. Lucia!

I am thinking that a trip to the Caribbean should take place every year on our anniversary.  I'll run it by Barrett and let ya'll know what he thinks.

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