If you know me at all, then you know how absolutely in LOVE I am with my two nieces, Olivia and Emory. I am always talking about them. These two are my precious angels, and I am so blessed to have such wonderful kiddos to call me "Aunt Mallory." I can't imagine what having your own children is like because I can't imagine loving any child more than them. Olivia made me an aunt at the ripe old age of 15, on January 19, 2003. As many of you know, Olivia has Down syndrome, which was a surprise to us all when she was born. Although the initial shock was a little difficult, Katherine and Brad quickly took on the responsibility of raising a child with special needs. They have done such an amazing job with her and have given her every opportunity to succeed that they possibly could. Olivia is currently in third grade and is doing wonderfully! Emory joined our family three and a half years later on September 27, 2006. I still remember when Katherine called me to tell me that she was pregnant. I was so excited that I cried (go figure). Emory is the spit-fire of the family and is always providing us with entertainment. She has the spunkiest personality and looks exactly like her dad. I love how Olivia has taken on the role of the older sister with her, always watching out for Emory, but letting her know when she is out of line as well. Emory is the perfect younger sibling, loving and idolizing her big sis, but causing a little trouble along the way.
These two munchkins are the reason I want to become a teacher, but I have to give most of the credit to Olivia. Olivia has had the most wonderful parents, doctors, therapists, and educators work with her to get her where she is now. These people have challenged, pushed, and encouraged her to accomplish so much. It is so important to give children every opportunity they deserve, and I think that is what teaching is all about. An education is such a wonderful tool to give to children, and I want to be one of the people who are responsible for this. Olivia is doing so great because of the help of educators in her life, whether school teachers or therapists. I want to be a part of that, changing a child’s life because I care enough to help. I can't leave out Emory in all of this. Emory has so much drive and determination, even for a four year old. I love the look on her face when she is asking you a million questions in a row. She wants to know so so much. Her little mind is like a sponge, soaking up everything you say (watch out!! This has gotten me in trouble before!). I can't wait to have twenty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed kids in my classroom, just begging me to teach them something new. As of right now, kindergarten is where I feel my heart calling me, but we will see what student teaching and the job market do with that dream.
Olivia and Emory mean the world to me, and I will have to remember to thank them one day when they are a little older. Olivia reminds me that life is not always as we expect it to be, but it has the ability to take your breath away when we see God's hand on it. Emory reminds me that laughter is such an important part of each day and joy can be found wherever we look.